Measuring for, and replacing valances is easy…

To measure for replacement blind valances, you’ll need a metal tape measure. Tape measures usually come in both Imperial Units (feet, inches, etc.) and metric (meters, centimeters, etc.), with additional unit breakdowns for further accuracy. In this example below we will use Imperial (American) units.

On most metal tape measures, every inch is denominated in 8th’s, 16th’s or even 32’s. In the following example, 8th’s are highlighted: inch-in-eigths

As you can see, an 8th of an inch is an inch divided in eight parts.  Getting to know these in order to be proficient at measuring is a good skill to master, especially when you need to accomplish a do-it-yourself project from time to time.

When measuring a window for blinds, or a Horizontal Blind Valance, rounding down to the nearest 8th is always the correct way to measure.

There are 2 common ways to measure based on how the valance is mounted. For an inside mount valance, measure the window frame where the valance will be mounted, and round down to the nearest 1/8″. how to measure for a blind valance outside mountThen subtract another 1/4″ (or 1/8″ on each side), to ensure the valance will sit inside the frame and give the proper clearance when removing and re-mounting.

Outside mount blind valance measure instructionsFor an outside mount valance, measure the width of the blind at the top where the valance will hang, and round up to the nearest 1/8″. Add 1/2″ to this measurement, or a 1/4″ for each side, to ensure the side return will fit good over the top edge of the blind.

Of course, these are standard measurements. They can be altered to suit the desired look you are going for. For example, an outside valance with side returns can be wider by a couple inches if that is desired.

To measure the valance itself, remove and use the diagram below:


As you can see, the diagram shows where the width of the valance is measured from. What is notable is that on an outside mount valance with returns, the width and side return measurement is taken on the inside on the valance. So, the valance material thickness is not calculated in the width, or the projection.

For more information, please visit the Blind-Slats Instructions page.

To order made to order valances, please visit out Products Page.